Charity, Community and Buy & Sell
Charity Advertising
If you are a registered charity who would like to advertise with a visual advert in the main body of the magazine (as opposed to a text only ad in the community section), we offer a charity rate of 30% discount off the one-issue price for any size of ad.
Please book your ad via our booking form in the section above (or over the phone), including the fact that you are a charity and quoting your Registered Charity number.
Please note that unless you can supply us with a VAT exemption certificate, we will still have to charge VAT on top of the discounted advert cost.
Community Section
Charities, schools, churches and non-profit making organisations can advertise one-off events for FREE in our Community Section. This is generally a text only listing and is space dependent as we try and get something in for everyone.
Only after we have listed the one-off events will we include general information about organisations, again space permitting, and repeat inserts. We reserve the right to prune information sent to fit space available and to not include information if we feel it is actually profit-making or for any other reason.
Please use the drop down for the Community Section in the form on the Contact section of the website and include the information and a contact name and number.
Buy & Sell (FREE) Ads
This very popular section is for readers of LPM to advertise for free (yes, really!!) ‘stuff’ that they would like to get rid off! Or indeed, to ask for anything in particular they would like to buy off someone else.
Please use the drop down for FreeAds in the form on the Contact section of the website and include a brief description of what you want to sell, your telephone number and the price of the item. If you want to include a photo, please send your ad by email with the photo as an attachment. We cannot do anything with loose photos.
Ads for this section will be listed in strict order of receipt and once the space allocated to the section has been filled (regardless of general deadline), we reserve the right to hold over any ads in excess of this space to the following issue. We also reserve the right to adapt content of ads to fit space available and omit photos, if necessary, to share out space available so that it is fair to others.
New ads will be given priority over repeats and anyone found to be buying things in elsewhere to sell on via these pages will be banned – forever!!!
We cannot accept any liability whatsoever for the condition, safety or origin of items included for sale or conduct of business between advertisers and respondents on the page. So please be sensible and careful when arranging to visit people.
You’re probably thinking by now that it must cost a lot to go through all those 31,500+ doors… Well, take a look at our Advertising Page and you will hopefully be pleasantly surprised!